Defense Board Application

1. Process Flow

(i) The student sends the request for a Defense Board Applications (master’s defense, and doctoral qualification or defense) to the institutional email of the PPPRO coordinator. This request must contain all documents (A – D) listed in Item 2.

(ii) The coordinator consolidates requests sent up to 15 days before the PPPRO board meeting and forwards them to the defense board commission. Requests submitted outside this deadline will be included in the next PPPRO board meeting.

(iii) The defense board commission evaluates the documentation sent by the student and forwards the report to the coordinator.

(iv) If the opinion is favorable (all documentation is correct), the coordinator inserts the request for approval from the board on the agenda of the next meeting for consideration. If the opinion is unfavorable, the coordinator will return the documentation to the student with the notes for correction. In this case, the student must make the adjustment and send a new request, which will return to Item (i).

2. Documents to be sent

A. Board Commission Form [link].

B. Evidence of publications, software, patents, etc. and, if applicable, their respective indexes (CiteScore, Qualis Capes, etc.).

C. Secretary and COPEP form (will not be analyzed by the commission) [link].

D. Academic Transcripts.

3. Documents that guide the evaluation

(i) General: PPPRO Master’s [link] and Doctoral [link] norms.

(ii) Publications Requirement (for students who joined from 2022.1 on) [link].

(iii) Publications Requirement (for students who joined before 2022.1) [link].

March 2022 version.